Re: linked data mashups

Hello Peter,

On Sunday 23 November 2008 04:22:18 Peter Ansell wrote:
> [...]
> How does SQIUN differ to a typical HTTP SPARQL endpoint? So far it accepts
> a "query" parameter as a SPARQL select statement and executes the parameter
> on (some configured?) SPARQL endpoints from looking at the single
> sourcefile I could find [1].
> [...]
> [1]

SQUIN is some kind of an HTTP SPARQL endpoint with the following significant 
difference. In order to answer queries SQUIN dynamically accesses data 
published following the linked data principles. To enable this functionality 
SQUIN is based on the Semantic Web Client Library [1]. With SQUIN you may, 
for instance, issue the following query that asks for the interests of people 
TimBL knows.

PREFIX foaf: <>
  <> foaf:knows ?p .
  ?p foaf:interest ?i .

The Semantic Web Client Library looks up Tim's URI; retrieves his FOAF file; 
looks up the URIs of the people referenced by Tim; and, finally, finds the 
interests of these people. You can try this. We have a very early prototype 
of the SQUIN service running at:

Beware, this prototype is awfully slow. We will improve it over the coming 

The main idea behind this service is to offer Web developers a simple tool 
with which they can consume linked data.



Received on Monday, 24 November 2008 18:23:07 UTC