Re: DBpedia 3.2 release, including DBpedia Ontology and RDF links to Freebase

Azamat wrote:
> Monday, November 17, 2008 2:11 PM, Chris Bizer wrote:
> 'We are happy to announce the release of DBpedia version 3.2. ... More 
> information about the ontology is found at: 
> While opening, we see the following types of Resource, seemingly Entity 
> or Thing:
> Resource (Person, Ethnic group, Organization, Infrastructure, Planet, 
> Work, Event, Means of Transportation, Anatomic structure, Olympic 
> record, Language, Chemical compound, Species, Weapon, Protein, Disease, 
> Supreme Court of the US, Grape, Website, Music Genre, Currency, 
> Beverage, Place).
> I am of opinion to support the developers even when they misdirect. But 
> this 'classification' meant to be used for 'wikipedia's 
> infobox-to-ontology mappings' is a complete disorder, having a chance 
> for the URL
> Ontology is designed to put all things in their natural places, not to 
> make mess of the real world; if you deal with chemical compound and 
> protein, it requests an arrangement like as protein < macromolecule < 
> organic compound < chemical compound < matter, substance < physical 
> entity < entity. The same with other things, however hard, rocky and 
> trying it may be.
> This test and trial proves again that any web ontology language 
> projects, programming applications or semantic systems, are foredoomed 
> without fundamental ontological schema.

Is Wikipedia foredoomed also?


> azamat abdoullaev

Received on Monday, 17 November 2008 19:47:45 UTC