Re: LOD, and Semantic MediaWiki


Welcome to the list!

On 28 Mar 2008, at 18:51, Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
> My name is Sergey Shernyshev and I'm running  
> project using Semantic MediaWiki (SMW).
> Currently I'm thinking about making the dataset more open and want  
> to connect it to LOD through presentation topics that I recently  
> introduced into the project.
> I wonder if someone can give me any recomendations about going open?
> I see two major parts here:
> 1. Using some open vocabulary for describing the data. The question  
> here is how do I find a vocabulary? The only one relatively close to  
> TechPresentations is  
> (thanks to Ivan Herman for this!), but it's definitely geared  
> towards w3c's activities and I don't know if there is anything else  
> beyond that on the market, will appreciate any thoughts and  
> suggestions.

I think that FOAF, the Dublin Core Terms, and the SWRC ontology should  
provide you with a fairly complete collection of the required terms.  
If you can't find anything that fits your needs, don't hesitate to  
create your own classes and properties, you can always add superclass  
relationships to existing terms later.

> 2. Connecting to LOD dataset. Being quite new to the project, I have  
> very vague idea of the process and will be happy to get a pointer to  
> some documentation about it. SMW is a great tool and I'll be happy  
> to work with it's development team to incorporate all the best  
> practices that will make all SMW-powered sites a potential source  
> for LOD data, I just need to get better understanding of the  
> requirements.
> Right now I'm just working on adding "Equivalent URI" SMW special  
> property to pages which get translated to "owl:sameAs" on RDF export  
> - you can see an example of the page here: 
>  (factbox at the bottom links to DBPedia's 
>  and - RDF  
> export for the page (you can see <owl:sameAs rdf:resource=" 
> "/> being added).

Some potential interlinking opportunities:

- owl:sameAs to DBpedia for topics covered in,  
as you already do
- foaf:homepage links for people (if known)
- owl:sameAs links to FOAF profiles of people (if known)
- seems to cover some of the same ground and already has  
URIs for many people, conferences and so on
- The L3S DBLP server already has URIs for many people and the papers  
that might be associated with the talks

> I also have some ideas on how SMW and it's extensions (Semantic  
> Forms, Semantic Drilldown and some visualization extensions like  
> Semantic Google Maps and etc.) can be useful for LOD project, for  
> example, it can be used as publicly open editor for interconnections  
> between various datasets.

Interesting. There is some (still very early) existing work about  
open, collaborative interlinking here:


> I'll be happy to discuss them with the community if there is  
> interest in this technology.
> Thank you,
>           Sergey
> -- 
> Sergey Chernyshev

Received on Monday, 31 March 2008 11:58:54 UTC