"VoCamp" - Proposal for a Vocabulary/Ontology Hackfest - Call for Expressions of Interest (was RE: [call for comments] voiD - vocabulary of interlinked datasets)

Hi all,

> >For the idea of VoCamp (if I spell it right) in Oxford, how best to 
> >take it forward? Can we do an informal call for participation
> to 
> >see how many people are interested and then allocate the time and
> location 
> >in Oxford?
> Would be better if Tom answers this one, I guess :)

Yes, as Jun mentions, there is a proposal floating around for a "VoCamp"
sometime in the near-ish future - basically a short, residential
"hackfest" kind of event where people interested in creating
vocabularies/lightweight ontologies for Linked Data/Semantic Web can get
together with other motivated people and produce vocabs in areas that
interest them. The emphasis would be on practical outputs, probably with
a "paper first, laptops second" policy and plenty of time for discussion
and socialising. The aim would also be to minimise the cost as much as

Oxford has been proposed as a possible venue, but neither this or any
other details are set in stone, it all depends on YOU! :D

So, time and finances allowing, would you be interested in attending
such an event? If so then please let me know by replying (on-list or
off-list), and plans can proceed based on the level of interest.

Looking forward to hearing what people think!



Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 11:54:11 UTC