Re: Ordnance Survey data as Linked Data (RE: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data)

For a large knowledge base like this, I think the appropriate context of a 
particular entry would be -- origin/source of data for that entry.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Afraz Jaffri" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 6:53 AM
Subject: Ordnance Survey data as Linked Data (RE: How do you deprecate URIs? 
Re: OWL-DL and linked data)

> Apologies if this message gets duplicated...
> We are pleased to announce a Linked Data site for the Ordnance Survey,
> available at:
> with links from over 8000 URIs to Geonames URIs. Take 'Hampshire' as
> an example:
> It might also be the right time, with all the owl:sameAs discussion,
> to practically demonstrate how our coreference system works. In the
> above example the link created is between 'Hampshire the county' from
> the OS and 'Hampshire the second order administrative division' from
> Geonames. We do not know if these two entities are exactly the same, so
> instead of using owl:sameAs we use our own coref:duplicate predicate.
> One of the features of our system is that knowledge about coreference
> is separated from the knowledge of the actual entity. In the RDF for
> the above URI at you
> will find:
> <coref:coreferenceData rdf:resource="http://os.rkbexplorer.
> com/crs/osr7000000000017765"/>
> Resolving this URI will give you a 'bundle' containing the duplicates:
> <coref:Bundle>
>    <coref:canon rdf:resource="http://os.rkbexplorer.
> com/id/osr7000000000017765"/>
>    <coref:duplicate rdf:resource="http://os.rkbexplorer.
> com/id/osr7000000000017765" />
>    <coref:duplicate rdf:resource=""
> />
>    <coref:lastUpdated>2008-07-10 11:39:44</coref:lastUpdated>
>  </coref:Bundle>
> As you can see one URI is chosen as the canonical URI to use. The
> separation of coreference means, to a limited extent, that the context
> of duplication can be preserved. If I wanted to say that under some
> other context there were other URIs that were deemed to be the same
> then I can simply create another bundle with another <coref:
> coreferenceData> predicate in the RDF for the entity. Of course, the
> question of how to show the context is yet to be solved...
> There may be some errors in the equivalences. All feedback is
> greatfully received :)
> In relation to another question about how owl:sameAs is currently
> being used, there are some examples in our LDOW paper:
> in particular and http://dbpedia.
> org/resource/Lilac
> Regards,
> Afraz
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
> On
>> Behalf Of Harry Halpin
>> Sent: 09 July 2008 10:55
>> To: Hugh Glaser
>> Cc: Bijan Parsia; Peter Ansell; semantic-web at W3C; public-lod@w3.
> org
>> Subject: Re: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data
>> Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> > Thanks guys, a really interesting and important discussion.
>> > However, after the last couple of postings I have the feeling I
> may
>> agree
>> > with both of you.
>> > Is that possible?
>> >
>> Bijan et. al. are right about the semantics of owl:sameAs, but as
> I've
>> said before, I think that something weaker needs to be coined
>> ("lod:equivalentTo") that states that two URIs refer to the same
> thing
>> but that any semantic entailments *may* not hold (i.e. user beware).
>> That's a dangerous thing, I agree, but it seems to be what the
> Linked
>> Data community needs and what's happening organically in the wild
> with
>> the (ab)use of owl:sameAs.
>> > Hugh
>> >
>> >
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Dick McCullough
Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done;
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;
mKE do enhance od "Real Intelligence" done;

Received on Saturday, 12 July 2008 03:23:59 UTC