Re: now live

Tom Heath wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the name of continuing the Linked Data outreach effort, the live
> services folk here at Talis have kindly set up a "Planet" blog
> aggregator on the theme of Linked Data. This is now live and populated
> with a few test blogs at:
> If you blog regularly(ish) on the theme of Linked Data please let me
> know and I'll add your blog into the Planet. I can already think of a
> few more that need to go in (MikeB, FredG, Christian Becker), but sure
> there must be plenty more.
> Christopher Stewart and I have been talking about some nice templates
> he's developed to make more use of the Semantic Web goodness around this
> planet. Right now this is just a vanilla Venus install, but expect to
> see more developments along those lines soon, along with SPARQL
> capabilities and more.
> Anyway, am interested to hear any comments. Hope you like it, and hope
> it helps you stay in touch with the exciting world of Linked Data :)
> Cheers,
> Tom.


A few things:

1. What's the protocol for getting other blogs added to the blogroll?
2.  Linked Data Home page needs a link
3.  Missing <link rel="alternate"/> for RSS (the RDF variant)



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Received on Tuesday, 5 August 2008 15:14:45 UTC