Re: Using the core location vocabulary to query national address data

On 2014-06-04 21:35, Gannon Dick wrote:
> 2) The order of location designators. This issue was already discussed in a previous thread, but perhaps it helps to have some real data to play around with. The second query above returns addresses with multiple locatorDesignators. For example, "12" and "B". The order is important, 12B is the right order. But how can an agent that only knows about LOCN know the right order? Is a change to LOCN needed ? Or are there other ways to solve this problem?
> Hi Frans,
> Please pardon my dinosaur footprints :-)
> US Customs uses a "Manufacturer ID" address shortening procedure.
> I imagine The Kingdom of the Netherlands has something similar
> These old procedures may be worth a look because they were developed in collaboration with industry back before personal privacy was an issue.  The confidentiality of business information was the only concern.

Interesting. Do they still use the same procedure? I imagine those codes 
will not always be unique, but perhaps that is not a problem.

This got me thinking:

1) If one of the goals of Location Core is to harmonize worldwide 
addresses, perhaps it is a good idea to consider having something like 
an address template. The various bits that can define an address are 
already there, but in order to build an address that could be used in 
mail traffic for instance, one needs to know about the order in which 
address components should be placed. For the Netherlands that would be 
something like

<thoroughfare> <locator designator (first level)> {locator designator 
(second level)} {locator designator (third level)}
<postCode> <postName>

Could it be that something like this exists somewhere? I don't believe 
such a thing is part of the INSPIRE specifications.

2) Given that it is hard to construct a mail address from the raw data 
in my data set, perhaps I could add some extra convenience triples that 
will have the full post address as literals. I could make use of 
locn:fullAddress for that.  I wonder if there are examples or best 
practices of locn:fullAddress... Would it make sense to use HMTL tags 
for formatting?

> --Gannon

Frans Knibbe
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)

T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347
E <> | disclaimer 

Received on Friday, 13 June 2014 13:59:08 UTC