Re: Sub-properties for locn:geometry?

Hi John,

> Anyway, here is my concrete example starter:

Thanks, this is a great starter (and crystal clear) example!

> If you look at the OS linked data for 'Southampton':
> you will noticed that it is related to a 'Geometry' via the predicate
> 'extent' and it also has predicates geo:lat, geo:long and
> 'easting'/'northing'.

* Your 'locn:representativePoint' predicate would be the equivalent of 
the 'ex:aCentroid' of Frans?
* I'm not sure I understand the difference between your proposed 
'locn:extent' predicate and the existing 'locn:geometry' predicate, 
except the later is loosely defined. Is the same thing?
* What about the MBR? Is just another 'extent' (polygon) or should it 
have a specific type because we want to say something about it?


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech
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Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 21:31:05 UTC