Re: Property "geographic identifier" in LOCN

On 1/10/2014 1:48 PM, Raphaël Troncy wrote:
> Hello Pascal,
>> If you're using the exactly same meaning (wrt. formal semantics), and
>> can guarantee that this is stable over time (the vocabulary you use may
>> get reworked), *and* you can guarantee that your twist on the meaning
>> (which you introduce through your reuse) will not cause any
>> inconsistencies if used jointly with all other usages elsewhere (which
>> you can't control), then there is indeed no problem with reuse.
> Providing equivalentX axioms trigger the same "stability over the time"
> problem when the target vocabulary evolve so you should anyway be
> concern by this issue.

I am.

Your observation is correct, which is exactly why I argue that the 
triples/axioms which link between different vocabularies should be 
cleanly separated from the other data. Once you mix and merge it in, 
it's a pain or impossible to separate.

>> However I would claim that you can essentially never guarantee this. And
>> even if you can, guaranteeing it is probably much more work than it's
>> worth :)
> Can should show me harmful examples of re-use of common terms from
> popular LOD vocabularies?

I think the most obvious example is the abuse of owl:sameAs. Some other 
really nice examples are in Krzysztof's blogpost which he mentioned 
earlier I think:

Others are obvious abuses, I recently found foaf:person used as a 
property for example.


> Best regards.
>    Raphaël

Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Dept. of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Semantic Web Textbook:
Semantic Web Journal:

Received on Saturday, 11 January 2014 02:39:13 UTC