Re: Last telecon: discussion about use cases

Hi Feroz,
Thanks for the pointer.. I guess we should agree about what to put in 
the use-cases section. And as Phil stated last time, we have already an 
urgent one linking with the ORG ontology.
> In [1] particularly in section
> 4.2 we described that conversion of the PAT (Autonomous Province of
> Trento) geographic dataset into RDF necessitates the use of the
> vocabularies that provide terms such as point, polyline, polygon for
> encoding drinking water fountains, bicycle tracks and streams,
> respectively.
Re our paper, it is a real case of converting data from PAT. But here 
again, one could as the following:
  - why did you choose geontology:polyline instead of sf:MultiSurface [1]
combine with some serializations from geosparql onto of OGC [2] ?
  - Or event one could ask why didn't you provide any serialization of 
the data ?
  - or why did you choose WGS84 datum for your data?

I guess answering such questions could help us define real cases, 
including the cases where providers need to encode their data in other SRID.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

PS: Btw, an access to your ontology 
( returns me a 
404 answer...I would be glad to add it in LOV dataset :-)

Ghislain Atemezing
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
Campus SophiaTech
450, route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
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Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 10:12:14 UTC