Re: ISA Core Location Vocabulary

Hi, Frans.

Comments inline.


>  (Wearing my JRC hat now...) This is exactly one of the motivations
> behind such activity. The first objective is not to create "official" RDF
> vocabularies for INSPIRE, but rather methodologies for their definition, to
> be agreed upon within the INSPIRE community. The next steps will depend on
> the outcome of such work. This includes the possibility of following a
> collaborative approach to the creation of RDF vocabularies for INSPIRE.
> That would be great! Is there already something to be found on the web
> about this activity?

Not yet. We'll take care of informing all the interested parties & people
by using the relevant channels, as soon as we have something to share.


> Personally, I would be in favour of a design strategy that would allow a
> wide re-use of the LOCN voc, not only limited to INSPIRE, and possibly also
> outside Europe.
> Yes, I think that make sense. The LOCN vocabulary could provide a light
> weight entry-level vocabulary for location data, to be extended when
> needed. I think it will be useful in many cases that way.
> But doesn't that mean that LOCN should have (simple) definitions of its
> own? Take the geometry class for example. Using LOCN as it is now, people
> could publish geometries in many different ways. These ways would not
> interoperable. And defining an extension in the direction of a more
> advanced vocabulary (one from INSPIRE, for example), would be difficult
> because the starting point is not clearly defined. Alternatively, let's say
> that LOCN says that a geometry should be encoded as WKT. That would
> provide  a simple and interoperable way of expressing geometry, and
> extensions to other vocabularies could be easily facilitated.
> Or take the case of geographical names... If LOCN makes clear that
> locn:geographicName maps directly to inspire:SpellingOfName, it would be
> easier to extend data publication to fuller INSPIRE specifications, and to
> other specifications as well. And from the perspective of INSPIRE, it would
> be clear how LOCN can be incorporated in yet to be developed vocabularies.

As I said in another thread [1], I would be good to check whether, besides
INSPIRE, we have other use cases motivating a more precise definition of
geographical names (and geometries) in the LOCN voc. And, in such a case,
it would be important to make such definitions interoperable with the most
used ways of representing such notions.



Received on Sunday, 29 December 2013 21:40:05 UTC