On 2013-12-21 0:56, Andrea Perego wrote:
> I recognize the terms from the INSPIRE themes, but I also notice
> that semantic interoperability is not complete. Take for example
> the geographical name. In INSPIRE it is a complex class, but
> although its data type is not defined in the vocabulary, it seems
> that the concept is reduced to a single text string.
> This was in version 1.00. In the current one, the range of
> locn:geographicName is intentionally undefined.
> About why there is no class for geographical names, please take into
> account that the purpose of this vocabulary was to define just a small
> set of terms that could be used across sectors of the public
> administration to support interoperability. Differently from the
> notion of "address", there was no use case requiring a more detailed
> definition of geographical names, so it was let undefined.
> Of course, we can work on this, if the LOCADD CG thinks otherwise.
It seems to me that leaving the data type of locn:geographicName
undefined is like leaving locn:geometry undefined: It may be good for
adaptability, but I am not sure it helps interoperability. Wouldn't it
help to just add the the property SpellingOfName, with data type
xsd:string? That way there would be a clear link with the INSPIRE
specification, helping interoperability with INSPIRE-based data.