Re: ISA Core Location Vocabulary

> The first objective is not to create "official"
>> RDF vocabularies for INSPIRE, but rather methodologies for their
>> definition, to be agreed upon within the INSPIRE community.

IMHO, this is a very smart move.

On 12/23/2013 03:41 PM, Andrea Perego wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Frans Knibbe | Geodan
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hello Andrea,
>     It is nice to know that the JRC is seriously researching Linked Data
>     for INSPIRE. Are you also trying to coordinate the different EU
>     activities? Or could we expect some kind of shared repository of
>     INSPIRE RDF vocabularies? Creating ontologies based on
>     specifications of INSPIRE themes is a lot of work, so it would be a
>     pity if many people or organisations are doing that independently.
> (Wearing my JRC hat now...) This is exactly one of the motivations
> behind such activity. The first objective is not to create "official"
> RDF vocabularies for INSPIRE, but rather methodologies for their
> definition, to be agreed upon within the INSPIRE community. The next
> steps will depend on the outcome of such work. This includes the
> possibility of following a collaborative approach to the creation of RDF
> vocabularies for INSPIRE.
>     That brings me to another question: Let us assume that in the near
>     future there will be full-fledged vocabularies for each of the
>     INSPIRE themes, and for the basic semantics that are shared between
>     the themes. What would then be the purpose of the Location Core
>     vocabulary? Not only geometry would be defined externally, but
>     geographical names and addresses too.
> I think this is something to be decided by the LOCADD CG.
> As I mentioned earlier in this thread, originally, the LOCN voc was
> meant to be a "core" vocabulary to support cross-sector interoperability
> on location information. Which also means that it can be extended
> depending on the requirements of each specific sector, by defining
> appropriate profiles. An external and INSPIRE-compliant definition of
> notions like "geographical names" and "addresses" would be consistent
> with this approach. Of course, INSPIRE vocabularies may re-use and/or
> extend what is already defined in the LOCN voc (e.g., locn:Address,
> which is modelled on the INSPIRE AddressRepresentation datatype).
> So, the question is whether the LOCN voc should be still considered as a
> "core" vocabulary, or it should evolve otherwise.
> Personally, I would be in favour of a design strategy that would allow a
> wide re-use of the LOCN voc, not only limited to INSPIRE, and possibly
> also outside Europe.
> Cheers,
> Andrea

Krzysztof Janowicz

Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
5806 Ellison Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060

Semantic Web Journal:

Received on Tuesday, 24 December 2013 09:55:35 UTC