Re: ISA Core Location Vocabulary

Hi Frans,
> A completely different thing: I see that the Location Core Vocabulary
> does not define a new way of encoding geometry, but rather permits the
> encoding specified in GeoSPARQL and Basic Geo. Was NeoGeo ever
> considered too? One consideration may be that the world at large will
> not be helped by having many different encodings for geometry. I think I
> would prefer just an encoding of WKT, but without including the (URI of)
> the coordinate reference system (CRS). I believe the SRS should be a
> separate entity, to be applicable to a geometry, to a collection of
> geometries, or to a dataset.
+1. This is definitively a way to go and with the colleagues at 
IGN-France, we are finishing two vocabularies that basically reuse 
NeoGeo, GeoSPARQL to re-define the existing semantics of POINT by taking 
into account what you just pointed out..

1- A vocab for CRS:, that will be tied to the 
publication of at least the list of CRS maintained at IGN.
2- A yet another vocab for geometry, where we allow to have different 
CRS for a geometry. See

You can play with this application, "Perfect School"[1] where from the 
initial dataset in LAMBERT93, we provide for each resource two different 
encoded values for the geometries.

For example, we have queries like this

[ ?s rdf:type aiiso:School ;
         geom:geometry ?loc ;
         ecole:nature ?nature .

     ?loc geom:coordX  ?lat ;
         geom:coordY ?lng ;
         geom:systCoord  ignfr:wgs84g . # here we specify the CRS, e.g: 

where we will publish all the CRS in this domain space ignfr: 

More to come when all the current issues are solved and the vocabs are 
in a stable version...

Happy Holidays to everyone.


Ghislain Atemezing
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
Campus SophiaTech
450, route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
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Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8178
Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200

Received on Friday, 20 December 2013 14:07:59 UTC