- From: Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>
- Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 12:12:13 -0700
- To: Tom Baker <tbaker@tbaker.de>
- Cc: public-lld@w3.org
Tom and Gordon, Given the strict nature of the FRBRer declaration, I wonder if this couldn't be included in the discussion of Application Profiles to see if a solution might be found there. There could be a general set of FRBR classes and properties that have few constraints, then the library community could have an AP that performs the functions of FRBRer. (Perhaps FRBRer *is* that AP.) An AP makes sense to me because of the obvious desire to model enforceable constraints in an application. The big trick, then, becomes creating a model that would allow you to intermingle bibliographic metadata that follows different APs of FRBR, as well as those that do not follow FRBR at all. I can imagine class and sub-class relationships that facilitate this, yet even the loosest version of FRBR would need to have a usable relationship to undifferentiated (no WEMI) bibliographic descriptions, and that's the one that still won't come clear for me. Meanwhile, I think that Tom is right in that this "instance" of FRBR is designed for a situation with trained catalogers, as well as applications that enforce the constraints. It defines a closed world. (I'm less sure that the Tillett/Murray definition is more open, but I would like it to be.) The AP model might be able to create a more open world for it be part of. kc Quoting Tom Baker <tbaker@tbaker.de>: > On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 04:03:20PM +0100, Gordon Dunsire wrote: >> > property "is realizer (corporate body) of" is disjoint with properties: >> > - has name of the corporate body >> > - has number associated with the corporate body >> > - has place associated with the corporate body >> > - has date associated with the corporate body >> > - has other designation associated with the corporate body > > Okay, so we have [1]: > > <frbrer:P2012> <rdfs:label> "is realizer (corporate body) of"@en . > <frbrer:P2012> <rdfs:range> <frbrer:C1002> . > <frbrer:P2012> <rdf:type> <owl:ObjectProperty> . > <frbrer:P2012> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . > <frbrer:C1002> <rdfs:label> "Expression"@en . > <frbrer:C1002> <rdf:type> <owl:Class> . > <frbrer:C1002> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . > <frbrer:P2012> <rdfs:domain> <frbrer:C1006> . > <frbrer:C1006> <rdfs:label> "Corporate Body"@en . > <frbrer:C1006> <rdf:type> <owl:Class> . > <frbrer:C1006> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . > <frbrer:P2012> <owl:propertyDisjointWith> <frbrer:P3045> . > <frbrer:P3045> <rdfs:label> "has place associated with the > corporate body"@en . > <frbrer:P3045> <rdfs:domain> <frbrer:C1006> . > <frbrer:P3045> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . > > and then: > > <frbrer:P2012> <owl:propertyDisjointWith> <frbrer:P3045> . > > I'm struggling to see the interoperability gains of putting all > these "disjoint > property" statements into the definitions of the base vocabulary. Triples > about disjointness are 45% of the 3930 triples in [1]. > >> Property disjointness is given where the value of the object of an instance >> triple should not be interpreted as referencing the same thing as for an >> instance triple using a different property but with the same subject. > > As OWL2 puts it: "two properties are disjoint if there are no two individuals > that are interlinked by both properties" [2]. I can understand why one would > want to apply such precise semantics in controlled environments (e.g., a > cataloging department) for the purposes of controlling the quality of data > produced, but I do not see the benefit of imposing such strong > semantics on the > rest of the world by including them in the very definitions of properties and > classes. > > To my way of thinking, the presence of these strong semantics seems > to tell the > world that nobody should even _think_ of using these vocabularies unless they > really really know, understand, and subscribe to the precise interpretation > encoded therein and are confident they can apply it correctly (and that > speakers of Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic should hope the translations are > good). The semantically strong definition seems to imply that these > vocabularies are really only intended for use by trained, professional, > English-speaking library catalogers using OWL reasoners, and that > nobody should > even think of building on FRBR with additional properties without > defining them > with the same high degree of precision. > > If so, that feels like a missed opportunity, because FRBR is potentially very > useful outside of that relatively small world. Defining FRBRer without all > this disjointness, on the other hand, would not at all preclude the > application > of strong interpretations when really needed in specific contexts, such as > controlling the output of cataloging departments. > > In the end, though, I wonder if this strong disjointness is really > supported by > the FRBR model itself [3]? For example, I read: > > "On a pragmatic level, defining work as an entity in the model serves a > number of purposes. It enables us to give a name and draw > relationships to > the abstract intellectual or artistic creation that encompasses all the > individual expressions of that work. .... It is the entity defined as > work, therefore, that provides us with this grouping capability. ... On a > practical level, the degree to which bibliographic distinctions are made > between variant expressions of a work will depend to some extent on the > nature of the work itself, and on the anticipated needs of users and on > what the cataloguer can reasonably be expected to recognize from the > manifestation being described." > > In such places, the language of FRBR seems to suggest less a rigid > ontology of > the world "as it is" and more a set of distinctions that have value because > they are useful in a pragmatic sense, e.g., in splitting parts of a > description > into separate bundles that can be maintained and referenced in a more > distributed manner. As Barbara Tillett and Ron Murray put it [4]: > > E-R and OO modeling may be used effectively to create information systems > based on an inventory of "things of interest" and the relationships that > exist among them. Unfortunately, the things of interest in Cultural > Heritage institutions keep changing and may require redefinition, > aggregation, disaggregation, and re-aggregation. E-R and OO modeling as > usually practiced are not designed to manage the degree and kind > of changes > that take place under those circumstances. > > Their reference to WEMI entities as "sub-graphs" which "reproduce > bibliographic > characteristics found useful by catalogers, scholars, other educationally > oriented end-users, and to varying extents the public in general" -- as > "views", or as "groups of statements that occupy different levels of > abstraction" -- suggests a more flexible (and useful) basis for a formal > expression of FRBR defined, perhaps, more along the lines of minimal semantic > commitment. > > Tom > > [1] > http://triplr.org/ntriples/iflastandards.info/ns/fr/frbr/frbrer/frbrer.rdf > [2] > http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-owl2-primer-20091027/#a_DisjointObjectProperties > [3] > http://www.ifla.org/publications/functional-requirements-for-bibliographic-records > [4] http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/lita/publications/ital/prepub/index.cfm > > -- > Tom Baker <tom@tombaker.org> > -- Karen Coyle kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net ph: 1-510-540-7596 m: 1-510-435-8234 skype: kcoylenet
Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 19:12:45 UTC