- From: Tom Baker <tbaker@tbaker.de>
- Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 14:27:26 -0400
- To: "gordon@gordondunsire.com" <gordon@gordondunsire.com>
- Cc: Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>, public-lld@w3.org
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 04:03:20PM +0100, Gordon Dunsire wrote: > > property "is realizer (corporate body) of" is disjoint with properties: > > - has name of the corporate body > > - has number associated with the corporate body > > - has place associated with the corporate body > > - has date associated with the corporate body > > - has other designation associated with the corporate body Okay, so we have [1]: <frbrer:P2012> <rdfs:label> "is realizer (corporate body) of"@en . <frbrer:P2012> <rdfs:range> <frbrer:C1002> . <frbrer:P2012> <rdf:type> <owl:ObjectProperty> . <frbrer:P2012> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . <frbrer:C1002> <rdfs:label> "Expression"@en . <frbrer:C1002> <rdf:type> <owl:Class> . <frbrer:C1002> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . <frbrer:P2012> <rdfs:domain> <frbrer:C1006> . <frbrer:C1006> <rdfs:label> "Corporate Body"@en . <frbrer:C1006> <rdf:type> <owl:Class> . <frbrer:C1006> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . <frbrer:P2012> <owl:propertyDisjointWith> <frbrer:P3045> . <frbrer:P3045> <rdfs:label> "has place associated with the corporate body"@en . <frbrer:P3045> <rdfs:domain> <frbrer:C1006> . <frbrer:P3045> <rdf:type> <owl:NamedIndividual> . and then: <frbrer:P2012> <owl:propertyDisjointWith> <frbrer:P3045> . I'm struggling to see the interoperability gains of putting all these "disjoint property" statements into the definitions of the base vocabulary. Triples about disjointness are 45% of the 3930 triples in [1]. > Property disjointness is given where the value of the object of an instance > triple should not be interpreted as referencing the same thing as for an > instance triple using a different property but with the same subject. As OWL2 puts it: "two properties are disjoint if there are no two individuals that are interlinked by both properties" [2]. I can understand why one would want to apply such precise semantics in controlled environments (e.g., a cataloging department) for the purposes of controlling the quality of data produced, but I do not see the benefit of imposing such strong semantics on the rest of the world by including them in the very definitions of properties and classes. To my way of thinking, the presence of these strong semantics seems to tell the world that nobody should even _think_ of using these vocabularies unless they really really know, understand, and subscribe to the precise interpretation encoded therein and are confident they can apply it correctly (and that speakers of Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic should hope the translations are good). The semantically strong definition seems to imply that these vocabularies are really only intended for use by trained, professional, English-speaking library catalogers using OWL reasoners, and that nobody should even think of building on FRBR with additional properties without defining them with the same high degree of precision. If so, that feels like a missed opportunity, because FRBR is potentially very useful outside of that relatively small world. Defining FRBRer without all this disjointness, on the other hand, would not at all preclude the application of strong interpretations when really needed in specific contexts, such as controlling the output of cataloging departments. In the end, though, I wonder if this strong disjointness is really supported by the FRBR model itself [3]? For example, I read: "On a pragmatic level, defining work as an entity in the model serves a number of purposes. It enables us to give a name and draw relationships to the abstract intellectual or artistic creation that encompasses all the individual expressions of that work. .... It is the entity defined as work, therefore, that provides us with this grouping capability. ... On a practical level, the degree to which bibliographic distinctions are made between variant expressions of a work will depend to some extent on the nature of the work itself, and on the anticipated needs of users and on what the cataloguer can reasonably be expected to recognize from the manifestation being described." In such places, the language of FRBR seems to suggest less a rigid ontology of the world "as it is" and more a set of distinctions that have value because they are useful in a pragmatic sense, e.g., in splitting parts of a description into separate bundles that can be maintained and referenced in a more distributed manner. As Barbara Tillett and Ron Murray put it [4]: E-R and OO modeling may be used effectively to create information systems based on an inventory of "things of interest" and the relationships that exist among them. Unfortunately, the things of interest in Cultural Heritage institutions keep changing and may require redefinition, aggregation, disaggregation, and re-aggregation. E-R and OO modeling as usually practiced are not designed to manage the degree and kind of changes that take place under those circumstances. Their reference to WEMI entities as "sub-graphs" which "reproduce bibliographic characteristics found useful by catalogers, scholars, other educationally oriented end-users, and to varying extents the public in general" -- as "views", or as "groups of statements that occupy different levels of abstraction" -- suggests a more flexible (and useful) basis for a formal expression of FRBR defined, perhaps, more along the lines of minimal semantic commitment. Tom [1] http://triplr.org/ntriples/iflastandards.info/ns/fr/frbr/frbrer/frbrer.rdf [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-owl2-primer-20091027/#a_DisjointObjectProperties [3] http://www.ifla.org/publications/functional-requirements-for-bibliographic-records [4] http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/lita/publications/ital/prepub/index.cfm -- Tom Baker <tom@tombaker.org>
Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 18:28:02 UTC