RE: xsd or vocabulary


The last time anyone dealt with OCLC Number interoperability was back
when OpenURL was being specified. They used URIs of this form:


These "info" URIs are defined by this "namespace":


I think Dublin Core has a way to wire these up, but I'm not quite sure

There are a host of other legacy identifiers that have also been
upgraded to URI status using "info" URIs:

This was back before httpRange-14 clarified the possibility of using
http URIs to identify things other than Web resources. We all we hope
these legacy identifiers will be upgraded to Linked Data someday. 

I'm not suggesting you worry about interoperability with OpenURL, but
these URIs are theoretically suitable for use in Linked Data. In
general, it's impossible to guess what the owner of the namespace will
decide regarding rdf:type, though. LC decided some of theirs are
owl:sameAs their skos:Concepts, which seems sensible in that case:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Adrian Pohl
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: xsd or vocabulary
> Hello,
> I asked the general question[1] on semanticoverflow (pasted below)
> whether to use predicates or xsd datatypes to represent in RDF
> different bibliographic identifiers a record contains. It would be
> great if you could contribute your thoughts - on semanticoverflow or
> here...
> All the best,
> Adrian
> [1]
> Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) and hbz are
> working on a service[2] which aims to facilitate the linking of data
> from different catalogues (whether library catalogues or union
> catalogues) by providing matching information about different records.
> For this project we - amongst other things - need to link catalog
> entries to the bibliograhic identifiers in them. (There are a lot of
> identifiers in the realm of bibliographic data: widely known
> identifiers like ISBN, ISSN, DOI, URN, Handle, OCLC number, LCCN and
> many more local, regional and national identifiers. Some of them
> identify a bibliographic record while others identify the described
> bibliographic entity - which doesn't make it easier in a LOD context.)
> The question here is how to represent a link in RDF from a record or a
> bibliographic resource to the associated identifiers. We have to
> between 1.) using individual predicates for each identifier or 2.)
> using the global predicate dc:identifier and characterizing the
> identifier more precisely through an xsd data type.
> Here is an example for each approach:
> 1. The "predicate approach"
> @prefix biro:   .
> @prefix cg:     .
> @prefix dc:     .
>   a biro:BibliographicRecord ;
>   dc:source  ;
>   cg:bvn "BV035542944" ;
>   cg:oclcn "991052625" ;
>   ex:describes [
>   cg:isbn "3-8273-2774-1"
>   ] .
> # ex:describes is because there is no inverse property to
> wdrs:describedby.
> # Does anybody know an appropriate predicate for this?
> 2. The "datatype approach"
> @prefix biro:   .
> @prefix dc:    .
>   a biro:BibliographicRecord ;
>   dc:source  ;
>   dc:identifier "BV035542944"^^xsd:BVN ;
>   dc:identifier "991052625"^^xsd:OCLCN ;
>   ex:describes [
>   dc:identifier "3-8273-2774-1"^^xsd:ISBN
>   ] .
> What do you think is the way to go: Creating an XSD or a vocabulary?
> Adrian
> [2]

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2011 22:00:56 UTC