Web Services on LLD

We'd like to mark completion of our action item, recorded in
l> , to look into and say more about LLD Web Services.

We've put together a little text that we hope outlines the *why*, gives
a few examples of such services, and proposes a possible path ahead (or
two) for LLD web services. Should the premise be accepted by the group,
we hope this format will make the work of integrating it into the larger
deliverable smoother and easier.

Naturally, your comments, thoughts, and suggestions are most welcome. If
the group wishes to more forcefully endorse the second "proposal" - a
codification of a core set of library linked data web services - we'd
want to tweak the last sentence (providing of course, the group would
like the proposal to even remain).

It is available at:


Kevin & Joachim

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2011 09:59:56 UTC