Re: Call for Use Cases: Social uses and other new uses of Library Linked Data - from W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group

On 20 Jan 2011, at 03:46, Brian Kelly wrote:

> Have just been forwarded this email, which begins:
> ================================================================
> Call for Use Cases: Social uses and other new uses of Library Linked Data
> The W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group -
> Requested by February 15th, 2010
> ================================================================
> I assume you mean 2011?

Yes, 2011--my apologies! Thanks for pointing this out, Brian!


> Or has this email been stuck for a year?
> Thanks
> Brian Kelly
> --------------------------------
> Brian Kelly
> UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK, BA2 7AY
> Email:
> Phone: +44 1225 383943
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Received on Friday, 21 January 2011 15:02:04 UTC