Question on press use cases

Hi Ed, Joachim,

I'm posting the question on your two use cases [1,2] I could not really ask in last week's telecon [3].

The data that is published in your cases is pretty much semantic web-oriented, mostly looking at the vocabularies you use: DC, OAI-ORE, FOAF, EXIF, BIBO. There's some RDA/FRBR at [1] but not much. And [2] links to METS records, but rather as a side resource, not a true linked data description.

I'm myself pretty happy with that situation--I trust this can be really useful data as such already. But with my LLD hat on I'd like to know more ;-)

So the question is whether the current situation results rather from:
- a conscious choice of ignoring part of the legacy data you had in the original data sources, in the light of the requirements of your scenarios?
- a too great effort needed to move legacy data to linked data, considering the resources you had?
- the lack of legacy data--you just converted all what you had?




Received on Saturday, 18 September 2010 14:42:58 UTC