Re: SemWeb terminology page

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Haffner, Alexander <> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Good point!
>> About terminology:
>> I understand that FOAF, FRAD, ... are called "vocabularies" by this
>> group (although I would term them "schemas" or "metadata schemas").

So RDF had a technology naively called RDF Schema in 1998/9. At the
same time the XML world decided they wanted a 'schema language' to
replace/augment DTDs. This made the naming of RDFS a bit awkward, and
we (RDF WGs then) were gently encouraged to think of a name that
didn't look like it overlapped in purpose with this [much more
industry-approved] XML stuff. People got quite upset about such things
at the time (RDFS was nearly a W3C REC in 1999, then the XML Schema WG
found out and got upset (since if RDFS was a schema 'standard' then
maybe they'd be forced to use RDF somehow; and so RDFS REC was
postponed while things were sorted out! probably needed it anyway...).
See and nearby.

This is how RDFS sort of became "RDF Vocabulary Description Language"
in later drafts,

At the same time around ~2000, people who called themselves
'ontologists', and called these things ontologies, noticed RDFS and
that with a few additions, it could be a language for ontologies on
the Web. So RDFS was a very basic ontology language. Renaming it 'RDF
basic ontology language' would've been seen as undermining the then
new initiatives to produce a richer RDF-based ontology language. So we
stuck with RDFS.

> I like also the RDA, FRBRer etc. terminology "element sets"

Dublin Core used to talk about having an 'element set'.

Then XML took over (same story :) and in XML, element meant something
very particular. And since DC favoured RDF for it's expression in XML,
and since RDF/XML allows metadata 'elements' to be expressed as XML
markup *attributes* (eg. dc:title="...." not <dc:title>), DC moved
away from talk of elements, towards the term 'term'.

>> But what are AAT, LCSH, ... called, if not "vocabularies" (at least I
>> hope a separate term is reserved for terminological resources).

I quite like 'vocabulary' as it covers schema, ontology, metadata set,
and also SKOS/thesaurus stuff too.

Generally the whole situation is a mess, and can only be understood
sociologically / historically. Asking whether eg. 'schemas' and
'ontologies' are the same or different doesn't get us very far. Asking
about which communities used which terms maybe gets us a bit



Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2010 14:52:39 UTC