Re: VIAF contributor model

Quoting Ross Singer <>:

> I would argue that treating the data in our 100/110/700/710/800/810
> fields (I'm leaving 600/610 out of this, because there's plenty of
> room for debate there) as some sort of bibliographic entity rather
> than people or organizations gives us nothing and simply makes our
> data hard for others to reuse.

I agree with you, Ross, and yet the FR's are going even further down  
the bibliographic entity path than I believe library data had in the  
past. By formalizing the bibliographic entity in the FR's it becomes  
harder to create library data that is compatible with other data. This  
worries me, but I don't know if the FR committees would be open to  
suggestions. It seems to me that the FR and RDA efforts have aimed to  
model *current* library practice in a new way, rather than accepting  
that modeling might point to new forms of library data that are more  
universally usable.


Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 1 November 2010 14:58:32 UTC