Re: [open-bibliography] conflations and rdf:type

On 10-07-08 12:14, Ross Singer wrote:
>     In other words, this is true:
>     	?x a Conflation => ?x has multiple rdf:types
>     but, this is not true:
>     	?x has multiple rdf:types => ?x a Conflation
> sums up my argument perfectly.

I'm not actually sure even the first part is true. I can easily
conflate things with the same types -- for instance, when a
deduping algorithm yields a false positive.


William Waites           <>
Mob: +44 789 798 9965    Open Knowledge Foundation
Fax: +44 131 464 4948                Edinburgh, UK

RDF Indexing, Clustering and Inferencing in Python

Received on Thursday, 8 July 2010 17:16:11 UTC