Re: RDA and ranges

 On 10-08-22 10:58, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>> I would like to give people actual commands they can execute. Is there
>> something other than curl? I'm afraid that's all I know to use.

You can set the accept header with curl,

curl -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" ...

Better, I think is rapper, the command that comes with the
raptor RDF parser/serialiser library is very convenient for
a first glance at things, particularly since it will follow 303
redirects and translate XML into something more readable:

% rapper -o turtle
rapper: Parsing URI
with parser rdfxml
rapper: Serializing with serializer turtle
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .

    dc:creator <>,
"Jókai Mór, (1825-1904)" ;
    dc:date "cop. 2006" ;
    dc:description """
Működési követelmények: Adobe Reader / MS Reader
""", "Főcím a címképernyőről", "Szöveg (pdf : 1.2 MB)
(lit : 546 KB)" ;
    dc:format "" ;
    dc:identifier "", "963-606-169-6 (pdf)", "963-606-170-X
(lit)" ;
    dc:language "hun" ;
    dc:publisher "Szentendre : Mercator Stúdió" ;
    dc:subject <>,
"magyar irodalom" ;
    dc:title "Dekameron" ;
    dc:type "book", "elbeszélés", "elektronikus dokumentum", "no type
provided" .

rapper: Parsing returned 19 triples

(the funny character set stuff is an artefact of cut-and-paste
from a terminal I believe)


William Waites           <>
Mob: +44 789 798 9965    Open Knowledge Foundation
Fax: +44 131 464 4948                Edinburgh, UK

RDF Indexing, Clustering and Inferencing in Python

Received on Sunday, 22 August 2010 10:20:03 UTC