Re: Learning JSON-LD - some questions

Hello Rob,

Yes, that was very helpful. Thank you.


On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 12:05 PM Robert Sanderson <>

> Prefixes (task, tt) are only recognized when the expansion algorithm knows
> that it's a resource. Otherwise, it's treated as a string.
> `{"@id": "tt:taskEnum"}` explicitly declares it to be a resource, and
> hence the URI is expanded.
> You could do that in the context, and thus allow "tt:taskEnum" in the
> data, like this:
> {
>   "@context": {
>     "tt": "http://company/tasking#",
>     "task": "http://company/taskont#",
>     "task:enumerated": {"@type": "@id"}
>   },
>   "task:enumerated": "tt:taskEnum"
> }
> Or, better, use `@vocab` and also put taskEnum into the context:
> {
>   "@context": {
>     "tt": "http://company/tasking#",
>     "task": "http://company/taskont#",
>     "enumerated": {"@type": "@vocab", "@id": "task:enumerated},
>     "Enum": {"@id": "tt:taskEnum"}
>   },
>   "enumerated": "Enum"
> }
> (Assuming that there are a limited, enumerable set of values for
> task:enumerated)
> Hope that helps!
> Rob
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 8:56 AM James Hudson <>
> wrote:
>> Hello Ivan,
>> Thank you for your quick reply. It was useful.
>> Your point regarding
>>      "task:taskDescription": {
>>                 "@value": "The description of the task"
>>         },
>> vs
>>      "task:taskDescription": "The description of the task",
>> is well taken.
>> It does bring up another question.
>> Let's say that I had:
>> {
>>     "@context": {
>>         "tt": "http://my-company-name/Tasking#",
>>         "task": "http://my-company-name/data/TaskingOntology#"
>>     },
>>     "@graph": [
>>         {
>>             "@id": "tt:taskparta_TaskSubject",
>>             "task:enumerated": {
>>                 "@id": "tt:taskEnum"
>>             }
>>         }
>>     ]
>> }
>> In this case, tt:taskEnum can be correctly expanded to
>> http://my-company-name/Tasking#
>> However, if I did "task:enumerated": "tt:taskEnum", then it would not be
>> expanded.
>> I am just trying to understand the expansion rules a bit better. Is there
>> anything you would be able to say to help me understand the expansion rules?
>> But, this may be a case of needing to read the spec (RTFM). It may help
>> if there was a particular part of the spec that speaks directly to this
>> issue.
>> Regards,
>> James
>> On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 3:02 AM Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>>> Dear James,
>>> First of all, to your second and third question: the JSON-LD you have is
>>> absolutely correct and, without knowing the details of the vocabulary you
>>> use, does not 'smell':-). As for the 'a' in the turtle output, that is a
>>> widely used Turtle idiom (does not have anything to do with JSON-LD: it is
>>> a shorthand for rdf:type.
>>> I have made a few changes on your example, mostly to address your first
>>> question. The "@graph" construct makes it possible to gather nodes on the
>>> 'top level' as you wanted but also to share contexts. Ie, you do not have
>>> to repeat the context. The other change I have made is when you have
>>> properties whose values are simply strings, it is possible to make the
>>> JSON-LD data more compact by just using that string as a value. Though your
>>> construction of using an object with "@value" is absolutely correct, it is
>>> too complicated for that simple case.
>>> Here is the new version:
>>> {
>>>     "@context": {
>>>         "tt": "http://my-company-name/Tasking#",
>>>         "task": "http://my-company-name/data/TaskingOntology#",
>>>         "rdfs": ""
>>>     },
>>>     "@graph": [
>>>         {
>>>             "@id": "tt:Task_3",
>>>             "@type": "task:Task",
>>>             "task:itemToTeardown": {
>>>                     "@id": "tt:TaskSubject"
>>>             },
>>>             "task:taskDescription": "The description of the task",
>>>             "rdfs:label": "Task 3"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>             "@id": "tt:taskparta_TaskSubject",
>>>             "task:isComponentOf": {
>>>                     "@id": "task:TaskSubject"
>>>             },
>>>             "rdfs:label": "Label A"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>             "@id": "tt:taskpartb_TaskSubject",
>>>             "task:isComponentOf": {
>>>                     "@id": "task:TaskSubject"
>>>             },
>>>             "rdfs:label": "Label B"
>>>         }
>>>     ]
>>> }
>>> I hope this helps
>>> Sincerely
>>> Ivan Herman
>>> On 6 Mar 2020, at 19:22, James Hudson <> wrote:
>>> I have the following JSON-LD document:
>>> [
>>>     {
>>>         "@context": {
>>>             "tt": "http://my-company-name/Tasking#",
>>>             "task": "http://my-company-name/data/TaskingOntology#",
>>>             "rdfs": ""
>>>         },
>>>         "@id": "tt:Task_3",
>>>         "@type": "task:Task",
>>>         "task:itemToTeardown": {
>>>                 "@id": "tt:TaskSubject"
>>>         },
>>>         "task:taskDescription": {
>>>                 "@value": "The description of the task"
>>>         },
>>>         "rdfs:label": {
>>>                 "@value": "Task 3"
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>         "@context": {
>>>             "tt": "http://my-company-name/Tasking#",
>>>             "task": "http://my-company-name/data/TaskingOntology#",
>>>             "rdfs": ""
>>>         },
>>>         "@id": "tt:taskparta_TaskSubject",
>>>         "task:isComponentOf": {
>>>                 "@id": "task:TaskSubject"
>>>         },
>>>         "rdfs:label": {
>>>                 "@value": "Label A"
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>         "@context": {
>>>             "tt": "http://my-company-name/Tasking#",
>>>             "task": "http://my-company-name/data/TaskingOntology#",
>>>             "rdfs": ""
>>>         },
>>>         "@id": "tt:taskpartb_TaskSubject",
>>>         "task:isComponentOf": {
>>>                 "@id": "task:TaskSubject"
>>>         },
>>>         "rdfs:label": {
>>>                 "@value": "Label B"
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> ]
>>> using, it will produce the
>>> following RDF:
>>> @prefix ns1: <http://my-company-name/data/TaskingOntology#> .
>>> @prefix rdf: <> .
>>> @prefix rdfs: <> .
>>> @prefix xml: <> .
>>> @prefix xsd: <> .
>>> <http://my-company-name/Tasking#Task_3> a ns1:Task ;
>>>     rdfs:label "Task 3" ;
>>>     ns1:itemToTeardown <http://my-company-name/Tasking#TaskSubject> ;
>>>     ns1:taskDescription "The description of the task" .
>>> <http://my-company-name/Tasking#taskparta_TaskSubject> rdfs:label "Label A" ;
>>>     ns1:isComponentOf ns1:TaskSubject .
>>> <http://my-company-name/Tasking#taskpartb_TaskSubject> rdfs:label "Label B" ;
>>>     ns1:isComponentOf ns1:TaskSubject .
>>> I have the following questions:
>>> (1) I need to duplicate the @context across several entries. Is there
>>> some way to avoid that? I note that in the RDF, the common prefixes can be
>>> shared.
>>> (2) Does the JSON-LD stuff look "right"? Does anything smell? It is hard
>>> for me to judge having only starting looking at such things.
>>> (3) In the RDF, I see <http://my-company-name/Tasking#Task_3> *a*
>>> ns1:Task ; ... what is the 'a'? Where did it come from?
>>> Thank you.
>>> ----
>>> Ivan Herman, W3C
>>> Home:
>>> mobile: +31-641044153
> --
> Rob Sanderson
> Semantic Architect
> The Getty Trust
> Los Angeles, CA 90049

Received on Monday, 9 March 2020 17:10:59 UTC