Re: Conference call milestones / project / labels?

> On Feb 6, 2018, at 7:11 PM, Robert Sanderson <> wrote:
> All,
> One of the ideas that was discussed on the call yesterday was to use github milestones to track which PRs and issues were going to be discussed on the call.
> While a great idea in theory, the practical challenge is that each issue an only be part of a single milestone... and we use them for tagging json-ld 1.1, and likely other longer term deliverable dates.
> As an alternative, we could use a project (either the current, or another) as the tracking board for what needs to be discussed and simply work our way down them.  Or we could make a "to-discuss" label, which would let people look at the list of things to discuss on the next call.

Making a label, such as “to-discuss” is a good way to handle this; setting up another project requires maintanence. The key is to promote these issues in advance of the agenda announcement, so that people have a reasonable amount of time to consider.

That said, I’d really rather drive more critical discussion to the issues, and reserve call time for things that actually require discussion. If a solution is proposed on an issue (or a PR), then people should have what they need to +1/-1 or question online. Other things, such as the following:

* #583 Introducing @dir
* #547 Content addressable contexts
* #488 Properties can not be relative IRIs

require discussion to reach a consensus view of how to tackle.


> Thoughts?
> Rob
> -- 
> Rob Sanderson
> Semantic Architect
> The Getty Trust
> Los Angeles, CA 90049

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2018 18:50:50 UTC