scope of blank node identifiers and multiple graphs


the spec
says that 
"The blank node identifier is scoped to the document in which it is used.”

What happens when the same blank node identifier is used within 2 different graphs? There seems to be a conflict (or an ambiguity) with the usual interpretation of blank nodes identifiers in RDF.

Here is a test in the playground (2 blank nodes with same identifier _:b0 in different graphs)

Should the spec be interpreted as saying :
- there is one thing identified by “_:b0”. All statements in the document involving it refer to the same thing, whatever the @graph they are in
- there are 2 different things that should not be conflated (RDF point of view, as expressed in the N-Quads output)
- do what you want, I don’t care, only RDF-minded persons have this kind of concerns ;-)



Received on Monday, 30 January 2017 16:52:30 UTC