Index and Type maps

I pushed a PR [1] for issue #430 “Interpreting keys in a @set as @ids or triple objects (RDF)”. This allows a term to be marked “@container”: “@id”, or “@container”: “@type” and allow values of a property to index based on either the id of type of object values.

For convenience, you can see versions of the documents on my fork [3][4]. For convenience, I’ve added a simple highlighting feature so you can more easily see the significant changes between 1.1 and 1.0 versions of the documents. In this case, the changes are fairly trivial to support this.

An example of an id map from the “Node Identifier Indexing” section:

     "schema": "",
     "name": "schema:name",
     "body": "schema:articleBody",
     "words": "schema:wordCount",
     "post": {
       "@id": "schema:blogPost",
       "@container": "@id"
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "schema:Blog",
  "name": "World Financial News",
  "post": {
     "": {
       "body": "World commodities were up today with heavy trading of crude oil...",
       "words": 1539
     "": {
       "body": "Die Werte an Warenbörsen stiegen im Sog eines starken Handels von Rohöl...",
       "words": 1204

Without major objection, I’ll merge this next week. Reviews have been requested.

Gregg Kellogg


Received on Sunday, 8 January 2017 22:10:44 UTC