Re: Reactivating the CG to work on updated versions of the specs

> On 2016-09-30, at 00:31, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
> […]
> I’ve taken it on to update the documents to be compatible with the latest versions of ReSpec, and to make updates to the Framing spec (unvalidated, as of yet) [3]. I propose that we accept this PR and use those documents as the basis of working to a future 1.1 release of JSON-LD.

that looks like it has taken a lot of work.
i applaud, in particular, the intent to make the specification more clearly express the requirements.

given that dydra now has json-ld sparql results in production and we are committed to interoperability, we are certainly willing to contribute work to revise the specifications.

best regards, from berlin,
james anderson | |

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2016 23:07:49 UTC