Framed output without a `@graph` wrapper

Hi all,

I think framing is an important aspect of JSON-LD and I agree with the 
introductory comment "Developers typically work with trees, represented 
as JSON objects. While mapping a graph to a tree can be done, the layout 
of the end result must be specified in advance. A Frame can be used by a 
developer on a JSON-LD document to specify a deterministic layout for a 
graph." [1]. I would add that not only is a deterministic layout 
important, this layout should be as simple as possible (but no simpler 
;-) ). We should expect to cater for JSON-only use of the data extracted 
from JSON-LD systems, and for a developer working with JSON:

   "@context": "",
   "@id": "",
   "formats": [
   "height": 2000,
   "width": 2000

is much preferable to:

   "@context": "",
   "@graph": [
       "@id": "",
       "formats": [
       "height": 2000,
       "width": 2000

To access `width` it is much nicer to write `data.width` than 

I found some discussion of this issue in 2013 [3] and later in that 
thread it seems that the pattern "agreed" upon [4] was to frame and then 
compact again to remove the `@graph` construct in cases where one knows 
that it can be done:

 >  compact( frame( flat, frame), context)
 > produces the desired output :)

(the rest of that thread went on to discuss bnode handling leading to 
issue [5]).

I think that there should be a flag/keyword in the frame to control 
whether `@graph` is artificially added in the second to last step of the 
framing algorithm [2]:

 > If compacted results does not have a top-level @graph keyword, or if 
its value is not an array, modify compacted results to place the non 
@context properties of compacted results into a dictionary contained 
within the array value of @graph.

It seems ugly and wasteful to have to run compaction (or some kludge 
doing just the needed transformation) in order to remove the `@graph` 



Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:01:44 UTC