Using rdf:type instead of @type for node types


we would like to use what my colleague Jan Schnasse has dubbed "side car 
approach" of providing JSON-LD. This means providing a label for each 
node in the data – including RDF types – to enable easy consumption of 
the data without IRI-lookups for presentation purposes. The following 
example shows the general pattern:

       "Ethnographie einer urbanen Praxis"
          "label":"Peters, Christian"

Though this is valid JSON it isn't valid JSON-LD, see [0]. This is 
because the @type – whether aliased to "type" or not – keyword doesn't 
allow objects but only takes "an absolute IRI, a relative IRI, a compact 
IRI (including blank node identifiers), a term defined in the active 
context expanding into an absolute IRI, or an array of any of these" 
[1]. See also the section 5.4 Specifying the Type in the JSON-LD spec. [2]

We noticed that the "side car" approach works when instead of "@type" 
another name – e.g. "type" – is used which is mapped to rdf:type in the 
context. Example:


There is no error in the JSON-LD playground for this and the RDF outcome 
looks as expected. [3] We are now thinking about using the key "type" 
mapped to rdf:type for associating a type with a node and only using 
"@type" in the JSON-LD context and for indicating a value type.

In the recent thread on this list about the "@type" keyword and framing 
[4] it became clear that "@type" is necessary for framing so this is an 
obvious drawback. As we are building our JSON-LD structure without 
framing, mapping "type" to rdf:type wouldn't be a problem in this 
regard. Are there any other reasons from refraining from this or any 
arguments for another approach?

All the best


Received on Friday, 19 February 2016 15:18:46 UTC