Re: JSON-LD Framing requires "@type"?

On 02/16/2016 07:51 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:
> Dear JSON-LD folks,
> (CC affected Annotation and SocialWeb WGs)
> At TPAC last year, there was discussion that led to the recommendation
> of aliasing @id and @type to "id" and "type", if that is possible given
> existing json keys and structure.  For the Social Web WG and Annotation
> WG, we have followed this recommendation for our current JSON-LD based
> specs.
> An issue generated for the Annotation group [1] was to provide JSON-LD
> frames to make it easier for developers to produce the required layout. 
> In working on that, it seems that the framing algorithm _requires_
> @type, and does not process the context looking for aliases.  Is that
> true and intentional?
> An example in the playground:
> And the same result is obtained using the Python implementation.
> To make both implementations work, I need to use @type in both the input
> graph and the frame document, despite the alias being present in the
> referenced (and processed) context doc.
> Bug? Seems like a show-stopper for providing frames?

I don't see an alias "type" for the keyword "@type" in the context given
in the example. Instead "type" is mapped to "rdf:type".

Here's a more minimal example showing framing working with "type" as an
alias for "@type":

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 01:12:44 UTC