Re: How to define context for new (custom) properties of JSON document

On 24 October 2014 20:10, Zee <> wrote:

> I I have read json-ld spec @ but one thing
> I'm having a hard time understanding how to define context for properties
> (keys) that doesn't have a standard ontology yet defined by
> I created json-ld playground link (with example of json-ld document and
> context) that should explain better what I'm trying to achieve @
> Also note in json-ld playground, the expanded/compact/flattened/etc format
> doesn't display 'twitterId' property which I have assigned the value of
> null in context-document. Why is this?
> Is there a way to address this problem, or do I need to define my own IRI
> for custom properties until standardized version becomes available and then
> I gradually introduce new ones while keeping the old ones for backward
> compatibility?
> Also, in expanded format, I lose that the image is gravatarImage not just
> any image.. Since I couldn't find corresponding IRI for gravatarImage on
> is there a way that I can preserve concept of gravatarImage in
> the expanded payload.

May help:

Property: foaf:accountName
account name - Indicates the name (identifier) associated with this online
account. Status:    testing
 The accountName property of a OnlineAccount is a textual representation of
the account name (unique ID) associated with that account.

Property: foaf:accountServiceHomepage
account service homepage - Indicates a homepage of the service provide for
this online account. Status:    testing
 The accountServiceHomepage property indicates a relationship between a
OnlineAccount and the homepage of the supporting service provider.

> Thanks.
> P.S: Yes, I can model twitterId, linkedinId etc as Url but I'm just using
> these as an example to represent databaseIDs which are not urls per say.

Received on Sunday, 26 October 2014 11:05:29 UTC