Re: Playground's conformance with spec?

On Oct 2, 2014, at 7:39 AM, Kevin Ford <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Super quick question:  Are JSON-LD samples - expanded, compacted, and flattened - in the JSON-LD Playground [1] in conformance with the final spec [2]?
> I think the answer is yes, but I've never been clear if the Playground was modified as the spec evolved and whether I could fully trust that the JSONLD output matches the final spec.  A note on the page says the spec is still in progress, but, of course, it isn't.  The note could suggest that perhaps little attention has been given to the page and therefore what is seen in the Playground may be out of step with the spec, hence the question.

Note that the Framing portion is still in progress, as that has not been released. It may be that we'll see changes to this as things are added there. For example, support for reverse properties in frames.


> Cordially,
> Kevin
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2014 22:00:31 UTC