Re: Whither the JSON-LD context?

On 6 January 2014 20:56, Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> +Cc: Guha
> On 6 January 2014 18:48, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
> > For some time, we've been expecting to publish a json-ld
> context at via content-negotation when the request is
> made with an accept header including application/ld+json. On behalf of the
> Linked JSON Community Group, I'd like to get an update on this.
> >
> > To get around this, many (most) JSON-LD tool suppliers have provided
> their own context based on the vocabulary definition, but this
> is prone to error, and difference of implementation between the various
> tools. I understand that there could be some concern about excessive
> requests for the context, when it's not necessary, however, it's hard to
> see that this would even approach the number of requests for
> itself, from tools that encounter that in HTML.
> >
> > Any timeline on when this might be available?
> I think it's reasonable to expect a static file published this
> quarter. However you're right that we do have concerns about the
> *website* forming an integral part of numerous unknown
> software systems and applications. It ought to be possible to do
> useful things with json-ld without a dependency on
> the Web site.
> W3C's experience with XML parsers that auto-fetch
> and
> when parsing XML is relevant here:

Just a thought on this.  What do you think about the possibility of hosting
the @context at

Here's an example, which already references

That way the cost and admin could be spread across several firms (assuming
they were willing)

> Excerpting from
>  "Handling all these requests costs us considerably: servers,
> bandwidth and human time spent analyzing traffic patterns and devising
> methods to limit or block excessive new request patterns."
> If someone has millions of JSON-LD documents that
> they want to parse into RDF or otherwise consume via json-ld tooling,
> are there code snippets and examples for the popular toolkits that
> make it likely the will see one request (per session, day,
> application invocation etc.) rather than millions?
> If JSON is the new XML and JSON-LD is the emerging best practice for
> interoperable JSON, it isn't unreasonable to expect XML-levels of
> usage. So let's try to learn from the W3C XML DTD experience.
> Dan

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 04:31:06 UTC