On 2/27/13 10:37 AM, Steve Harris wrote:
> I don't want to throw numbers about, but for us the cost of anything that significantly decreases the efficiency of our RDF storage carries a huge monetary cost - we couldn't justify it without a significant upside.
This is a very important point, and from the DBMS engineering
perspective it's true. There are costs to existing RDF stores and DBMS
A suggestion:
Manu: JSON-LD should make a note about the use of bnodes to denote
graphs. That note could then hone into its special use case scenarios
e.g., where there's high velocity data with little mass.
As already acknowledged above, you are correct about the optimization
cost to existing RDF stores and DBMS engines (it will hit Virtuoso too)
. Thus, when our engines encounter such data, we could simply just
remap the IRIs as part of our data ingestion (insert | import) routines.
That's what we'll end up doing.
Naturally, this means tweaking existing code re. data import, ingestion,
and creation etc.. Personally, I believe we have the ability to close
out this matter without holding up the various workgroups i.e., RDF 1.1
stays as is. JSON-LD has a fleshed out version of the note I suggested
to Manu etc..
What do you think?
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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