Agenda: JSON-LD Telecon - Tuesday, December 17th 2013

It's been a while since our last telecon. We need to start meeting again to discuss future work and the publication schedule for JSON-LD and JSON-LD-API.

Information on how to join the call and previous minutes and audio logs can be found here:

The preliminary agenda is below. Please respond to this e-mail if you
want to add something to the Agenda or if you have any questions.

Tuesday, December 17th 2013
Time: 7am San Francisco, 10am Boston, 4pm CET
Digital Bazaar Telecon Bridge
  Phone US: +1.540.961.4469 x6303
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribes: Dave, Manu, Markus, Paul, Lehn, Gregg, Niklas


1. Recommendation Publication Schedule
2. Future work of CG
  * Framing, Normalization, Streaming
3. AOB

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Monday, 16 December 2013 16:39:52 UTC