JSON-LD CR on hold for 2-3 weeks

Hey all,

I completely forgot about a mandatory 7 day waiting period and the
requirement for a transition call between LC and CR for the JSON-LD
specs. There is no way we can hit the Aug 22nd publication date. Sorry
about that, I screwed up. :(

The semi-good news is that it doesn't require this group to really do
anything but wait for the W3C process to do its thing.

Markus, you and I will need to change the date on the specs to the new
publication date, which will be negotiated over the next 2 weeks. No
other spec changes are necessary. You will probably need to be on the
transition call to answer detailed questions about changes to the

I'll be prepping the transition meeting documents over the next couple
of days and will send a link to them out to this group and the RDF WG.
In the best case, there will be around a 2 week delay in publishing the
Candidate Rec documents... worst case, 4 weeks. Sorry for the mix-up folks.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Meritora - Web payments commercial launch

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2013 03:18:32 UTC