Re: Framing @language


On 25/06/12 06:28, Dave Longley wrote:
>> Is there a way with framing to change the "@value" and "@language"
>> keys to just "value" and "language" or something like that?
> Yes, it's called keyword aliasing. Just add to your context:
> {
>    "value": "@value",
>    "language": "@language"
> }
>> Similarly, in the template I cannot access the "@id" of my document,
>> is there a way with framing to either use a different key (e.g. "id"
>> instead of "@id") or add a copy of it ("id" in addition to "@id") ?
> Add to your context:
> {"id": "@id"}.
> Here's your example with aliases on the playground:

When I open that link I end up on the compacted tab of the json-ld 
playground.  So I switch to the framed tab and paste the context
in there.  Neither the compacted tab nor the framed tab show the 
language and value keys aliased.  Any idea what is going wrong here?

-- kuno / warp.

For reference, the full context:

   "@context": {
     "senet": "",
     "title": {
       "@id": "senet:title",
       "@container": "@list"
     "language": "@language",
     "value": "@value",
     "id": "@id",
     "type": "@type"

And the full input document:

   "@context": {
     "senet": "",
     "senet:title": {
       "@container": "@list"
   "@id": "",
   "@type": "senet:Game",
   "senet:title": [
     "@value": "リズム天国",
     "@language": "ja"
   }, {
     "@value": "Rhythm Paradise",
     "@language": "en"

Received on Monday, 25 June 2012 09:51:45 UTC