Can json-ld convert identifiers to IRIs?


As I am writing the JSON for musicbrainz, I realized it could be a 
problem that our identifiers aren't IRIs.

I'll give you an example.  A request to

can in the future return something like this (some properties omitted to 
keep the example short):

     "id": "fcbcdc39-8851-4efc-a02a-ab0e13be224f",
     "title": "LAST ANGEL",
     "length": 228106,
     "releases": [
             "id": "abcd76db-7d5f-3eb7-b386-051c97bfe2e4",
             "title": "Kingdom"

Depending on what you pass in the inc= argument, deeper parts of the 
graph may be returned.

To turn this into linked data the ids would somehow have to be turned 
into full IRIs.  So fcbcdc39-8851-4efc-a02a-ab0e13be224f, which is a 
recording would need to become:

And abcd76db-7d5f-3eb7-b386-051c97bfe2e4 should become

I fear this is a transformation which cannot be described in a 
"@context", is that correct?  Any suggestions?

-- kuno / warp.

ps. for those interested, the proposal is at [1], and is currently being 
discussed on our developer mailinglist [2].

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 15:48:25 UTC