Re: Minimum useful linked data

On 3 September 2011 20:14, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:

> Danny,
> I assume you've looked through the archives of this mailing list? The issue
> of Linked Data has been long thrashed out with regards to JSON-LD. This
> effort culminated in a requirements document [1] .
> Links:
> 1. -- note sections on Linked Data .

Right, my bad, I had overlooked:

   9. An IRI that is a label in a linked data graph should be
dereferencable to a Linked Data document describing the labeled
subject, object or property.

But that's still only in the requirements - where is it fulfilled? The
examples in the spec don't yet take this into account.

It would be pretty easy to deal with, e.g. by inserting a little text
before the existing example in 2.3 along the lines of:

Manu is identified by the URI
Dereferencing that URI with a HTTP GET can produce a representation
like ...

(btw, I haven't looked through the archives much, but I was in on a
telecon when part of the thrashing out of that definition took place



Received on Saturday, 3 September 2011 19:01:01 UTC