RE: Simplify "Multiple Typed Literals for a Single Property" (ISSUE-33)

> -1 for allowing arrays of literals

Agree. To be honest I completely misunderstood that section first so we
should definitely change that example as it doesn't show what can be
achieved with it.

> A reasonable example - alternative payment methods for acquiring an
> asset that is for sale. For example, for our Community Supported
> Agriculture share of vegetables for one week out of the year, we can
> either pay $20 USD or work on the farm for 4 hours.
> {
>     "dc:title": "Weekly Vegetable Share (limit one per year)",
>     "com:amount":
>     [
>        {"@literal": "20", "@type": "iso4217:USD"},
>        {"@literal": "4", "@type": "units:hours"}
>     ]
> }
> This isn't the best example... but one could conceive of the above
> markup for a particular application. The better example is when you
> have
> multiple language strings for a single value:
> {
>     "dc:title":
>     [
>        {"@literal": "Das Kapital", "@language": "de"},
>        {"@literal": "Capital", "@language": "en"}
>     ]
> }

+1 to change it to example 2.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Sunday, 2 October 2011 20:50:37 UTC