Re: Yet another serialization format?

* [2011-06-28 00:00:09 -0400] Manu Sporny <> écrit:

] On 06/27/2011 01:00 PM, William Waites wrote:
] > * [2011-06-27 22:28:46 +0800] Markus Lanthaler <> écrit:
] > 
] > ] The only use case I've heard here is, as far as I remember, PaySwarm - which
] > 
] > One thing that some people want to be able to do is take LD and put it
] > into one of the mongo/couch/riak type databases - I'm not sure it has
] What do you think the JSON-LD spec does right now that doesn't allow
] this to happen in mongo/couch/riak?

Many, I was just raising this as a "use case other than PaySwarm",
which I think is important because it means that tools other than the
usual RDF tools can be brought to bear on the data. I don't know that
there is anything preventing this right now except perhaps trying to
make double-sure none of the @# type funny characters are disallowed
in key names and that the serialisation is stable enough to be
suitably indexed by these types of databases, which I guess is a
main goal of the basic version of the JSON-LD.

Incidentally, the couchdb one is particularly interesting because of
the way it does replication. For relatively small datasets having some
sort of seed voiD/JSON-LD machinery and then using the replication to
get local copies of data(sub)sets for local processing could be a good
way to work with RDF from an application developers PoV... Just
speculation here though.

William Waites                <>        <>
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Received on Tuesday, 28 June 2011 15:05:57 UTC