Re: Linking to external context definition

Hi Alex! Yes the full spec [1] includes this as an advanced concept, but in the basic spec [2], it's really the only way to do it.

Once we're gotten to some consensus on basic issues, we'll reconcile this discrepancy.



On Jul 4, 2011, at 12:45 PM, Alexandre Passant wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just been through the JSON-LD spec, since we're exposing JSON
> data in seevl [1] in a somehow similar fashion, and I'm wondering if
> there's any plan to link a "@context" to an external definition,
> similarly to RDFa profiles.
> Advantages would be:
> - shareable definition of a context (outside the default one)
> - hide this from most documents (IMO, the more we hide from existing
> RDF / SemWeb principles / serialisations in JSON-LD documents, the
> better to reach developers used to common API)
> - reduce the bandwidth by exposing only data regarding one concept,
> and not all the background required to translate it to RDF
> A simple way to do would be to make the value of @context being either
> another object or a string / URI - in that case a processor would get
> it from here.
> Opinions ?
> Thanks,
> Alex.
> [1]
> -- 
> Dr. Alexandre Passant - @terraces
> Founder, CEO - - @seevl
> Reinventing Music Discovery

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 16:45:36 UTC