RE: On The Purpose of JSON and Gluon Redesign Ideas

Interesting post Niklas. I completely agree with

> I doubt that any such hybrid is usable: either you know RDF
> and should use Turtle, or you don't and you want simple JSON,
> without the richness of inlined RDF details.

and think it is a good idea to "to remove the raw form entirely, and design
the profile mechanism so that it is 'air tight'." But why do you think that
these profiles should be anythink like JSON schemas?

> (Note that profiles will reasonably not be anything like
> full "JSON schemas". It's about mapping terms to URI:s and
> as little else as possible to handle datatyping and the
> mismatch between graphs and JSON trees

Any special reason for that or just a personal preference?

Received on Monday, 4 July 2011 11:13:00 UTC