Fwd: [unhosted] Internet-Draft-Draft

FYI: an IETF style spec underway for client side apps talking to data
servers ... perhaps there is some overlap with LDP


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <michiel@michielbdejong.com>
Date: 26 November 2012 12:04
Subject: [unhosted] Internet-Draft-Draft
To: unhosted@googlegroups.com

Hi! here is a draft of our Internet Draft:
https://michielbdejong.com/spec.txt. The changes compared to 2012.04 are:
* storage-first is mentioned as a "MAY" at the end for servers, but a
"SHOULD" for apps (remoteStorage.js would handle this).
* the storage_api parameter is updated to the name of the I-D.
* the root scopes are renamed from ":r" and ":rw" to the more
understandable "root:r" and "root:rw".
* the "Last-Modified" header is renamed to the more correct "ETag". Since
these are all textual changes and not functional ones, there is no need for
any existing storage servers to update any of these things, but as i
already discussed with Niklas, remoteStorage.js would start supporting both
2012.04 and this version.
Comments very welcome!


Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 13:49:37 UTC