Re: LDPC discovery?

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 7:12 PM, Robert Sanderson <>
> Dear all,
> The spec says: (5.2.1)
>     "The Linked Data Platform does not define how clients discover LDPCs."
> Was there discussion on this topic and no consensus was reached, or was
it deemed out of scope?
> In either case, it might be useful to include as a work item in any
future charter?
I believe it was deemed out of scope.  If a client application needed to
"find" a container, then it might be handed a URL from some service or
person.  It could be as simple as having a usage-specific predicate for
   <> :bucketOfBolts <>
or a query service to find containers of a certain type.

The spec does however define when you perform a GET/HEAD on a URL and
determine if it is a container.

> (Background:  We probably need it for the Annotation WG, for example
where to POST related non-rdf sources that fill the role of Body (the
comment) of the Annotation)
Perhaps defining a bit more the scenario around the "it" above, could help
feed into the requirement to drive the right solution.

Steve Speicher

> Thanks :)
> Rob
> --
> Rob Sanderson
> Information Standards Advocate
> Digital Library Systems and Services
> Stanford, CA 94305

Received on Monday, 26 January 2015 14:46:20 UTC