Re: Caching Question re Paging

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 7:40 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux <> wrote:

> * Robert Sanderson <> [2015-04-08 15:23-0700]
> > Am I missing something obvious that makes all of this null and void and
> > it's already been discussed and discarded as unnecessary?
> Only tangentially. The 2nd to last paragraph of RFC 7240 "Prefer
> Header for HTTP" says that
> [[
>                              If a server supports the optional
>    application of a preference that might result in a variance to a
>    cache's handling of a response entity, a Vary header field MUST be
>    included in the response listing the Prefer header field regardless
>    of whether the client actually used Prefer in the request.
> ]]
> so technically we're all set. That said, it might be nice to mention
> that to the reader. Can you propose and editorial change?

Yes, I didn't think it meant a normative change (reading the minutes of the
call this morning, apologies for missing it).

How about a paragraph at the end of 6.1 along the lines of:


In order to allow the web infrastructure to correctly cache the responses
of an LDP Paging server, the requirements of the current HTTP [rfc2616] and
Prefer Header [rfc7240] specifications should be kept in mind.  Notably,
RFC7240 requires conforming implementations to return a <code>Vary</code>
header that includes <code>Prefer</code> in its value.  As an LDP server
must also support negotiation for the content format using the
<code>Accept</code> request header, the resulting response will include at

<pre class="example">
Vary: Accept, Prefer


(This of course also applies to LDP proper, but that ship has sailed)


Rob Sanderson
Information Standards Advocate
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford, CA 94305

Received on Monday, 13 April 2015 16:42:48 UTC