Re: LDPR Interaction Model on Create

I found part of this response acid-reflux-inducing.

> > So shall we include the interaction model header in all the POST 
> > examples?
> POST creation of LDPCs, yes.  POST creation of LDPRs, no. 

I suspect 

> POST creation of LDPCs, yes. 

should be read to mean

> POST creation to LDPCs, yes. 

was that your intent?  i.e. POSTs interpreted as creates, when the 
request-URI is an existing LDPC, include the rel=type that supplies 
client's desired interaction model on the "to be created" resource.  Not 
to be confused with the "LDPC creating LDPC" on the Note, which 
was my initial reading of your intent.

And the corresponding change for 

> POST creation of LDPRs, no. 

...?  Since LDP does not constrain POST on LDPRs other than LDPCs, nor 
does it mention creation requests sent to LDPRs other than LDPCs, sensible 
to have no rel=type.  Not to be confused with the alternative "when 
creating an LDPR, ..." interpretation, which would be easy to confuse it 
with as written.

> ....  I'm not
> sure what including type="LDPR" would mean when posting a LDPR to a
> LDPC, as it should not affect the already set interaction model of the
> LDPC.  Perhaps that is some extension to indicate on a per-request to

As written, this sounded to me like you meant "when creating an LDPR by 
posting its representation to an existing LDPC, ..." but ow my head if 
that was your intent.

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
z/VM OpenStack Enablement and zKVM 

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 14:47:33 UTC