Re: How to extend the interaction model to support queries?

Could you be specific as to which clauses you think you're violating?

If I take your meaning, you're posting some content to an LDPC's URI, and 
the semantic of that Post turns out to be something other than create ... 
in particular here, it turns out to be query.

I personally took considerable care to ensure *exactly* this is allowed, 
when drafting the normative language.  "Everyone" today does things like 
post form-encoded queries, and we (IMO) do not want to interfere with 
that.  This was in fact the origin of several past "not every post is a 
create, not every create is a post" rants from me, like when we decided on 
the scope of Allow-Post vs my proposed Allow-Post-Create.

<sensitive point for some>
It's conceivable that there's a translation problem in play; I know you 
speak English Andrei, I'm not sure to what degree you think in English. 
I've seen some very subtle cases where the meaning gets mangled going from 
English to German and back when I lived in Stuttgart on assignment 
("wahrscheinlich" being one that my friends warned me about in 
particular).  If it's that, there's probably an equivalent set of English 
words we could use, either instead of or in addition to what's there, to 
make the intent clearer.

....remind me to share my der Wahl/die Wahl story next week, 11-12 years 
later I can still taste the shoe from that one.

Best Regards, John

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Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure OSLC Lead

Received on Monday, 28 July 2014 17:47:55 UTC